ClickYes Pro 2010 v3.9.3
(updated on August 10, 2022)
ClickYes Pro 2010 is a tuning tool for Microsoft Outlook security settings. It allows to configure which
applications can automatically send emails using Outlook and access email addresses stored in Outlook address
ClickYes Pro 2010 runs as a background task providing a convenient icon in the taskbar notification area to manage
allowed applications. It uses an encrypted storage and is highly secure and safe.
ClickYes Pro 2010 Server Edition uses common configuration settings for all user accounts on the computer where
it is installed. Administrators can configure a single profile for all users. Only users with administrative
privileges can change settings and add or remove applications to the list. Also Server Edition installs add-ins
for Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word which turn the security warnings off. Key
- solves issues caused by Outlook security prompts
- provides seamless email sending via Microsoft Outlook
- provides smooth smartphone synchronization and email merging
- is very user friendly and easy to use
- uses secure and reliable storage
Click a link below to:
ClickYes Pro 2010 is compatible with:
- Outlook 365 32-bit
Version 2408 (Build 17928.20156),
Version 2407 (Build 17830.20138),
Version 2405 (Build 17628.20188),
Version 2404 (Build 17531.20190),
Version 2403 (Build 17425.20258),
Version 2402 (Build 17328.20414),
Version 2308 (Build 16731.20716),
- Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019 and Outlook 2016 32-bit
Version 2408 (Build 17928.20156),
Version 2407 (Build 17830.20138),
Version 2405 (Build 17628.20164),
Version 2404 (Build 17531.20152),
Version 2403 (Build 17425.20176),
Version 2402 (Build 17328.20184),
Version 2401 (Build 17231.20236),
Version 2312 (Build 17126.20126),
- Outlook 2013 32-bit (v15.0.5589.1001, v15.0.5553.1000, v15.0.5511.1000, v15.0.5407.1000, etc.)
- Outlook 2010 32-bit (v14.0.7261.5000, 14.0.7258.5000, 14.0.7243.5000, etc.)
- Outlook 2007 SP2 (v12.0.6423.x, v12.0.6514.x, v12.0.6535.x, 12.0.6770.x)
- Outlook 2007 SP1 (v12.0.6214.x, v12.0.6300.x)
- Outlook 2007 (v12.0.4518.x, v12.0.6014.x)
- Outlook 2003 SP3 (v11.8169.x, v11.8206.x, v11.8217.x)
- Outlook 2003 SP2 (v11.6568.x, v11.8002.x, v11.8010.x and v11.8120.x)
- Outlook 2003 SP1 (v11.6350.x and v11.6359.x)
- Outlook 2003 (v11.5608.x)
- Outlook 2002 (SP1, SP2 and SP3)
- Outlook 2000 (SP2 and SP3)
How ClickYes Pro 2010 differs from Express ClickYes
- It allows to configure which applications can pass by Microsoft Outlook security restrictions.
- It works when the workstation (or server) is locked.
- It works under Windows Terminal Services and Citrix environments.
- It does not have 5-second delay on sending emails using Outlook.
- It uses encrypted storage and is very secure and safe.
How to install and launch ClickYes Pro
- Download the installation package, run ClickYesPro2010Setup.exe and follow the instructions.
- When ClickYes is installed just double-click its icon on your Desktop to launch the program.
How to use ClickYes Pro 2010
ClickYes Pro 2010 is very user friendly and easy to use. To start it just double click its icon on your desktop. You
will see the following window.

Of course, your list of allowed applications is empty at first. So, it is time to add yours. Click the Add
Application button on the toolbar, or right-click the applications list, and select Add... from the
context menu. You will see the Add an Application window.

You need to enter a simple name for your application and enter the full pathname (as it resides on your disk).
No need to type it by hand. Just click the button with ellipsis, to use a convenient file selection dialog.
If you do not know exactly what executable provokes the Outlook security warning, you can use the Get
button (next to the application name) to receive the file name directly from the warning. Needless to say that you
need to push Get when the security prompt is active.
Now you should select the email options you want to allow for your application.
- If it is a email checking software or a smartphone synchronization tool, you need to allow access to email
addresses stored in Outlook.
- If it is some kind of monitoring software which sends emails using Outlook, you need to allow sending emails
on your behalf.
- If your application uses Outlook automation objects (Outlook.Application, Outlook.MailItem and so on), you
need allow Outlook automation and scripting.
- If your application uses Collaboration Data Oblects messaging interface, you need allow CDO messaging.
The last option is responsible for automatic activation of your application when ClickYes Pro
2010 starts. If you want to activate it on your own every time, clear the last checkbox.
Of course you can activate or deactivate your application at any time when ClickYes is running. To do so, just
click the Enable Application (or Disable Application) button on the toolbar.
Once your application is added and activated, ClickYes Pro 2010 starts monitoring it. As soon as it finds your
application launched, it displays its process id and status in the list of active processes (at the bottom of main
window). If everything is OK, the icon of your application's process is blue. If something went wrong, the icon is
red and the error code is displayed in the Status column.
All the applications you added to the list can be saved in a profile. This profile can be loaded later. The
latest used profile is loaded automatically when ClickYes Pro 2010 starts next time. Also you can pass the profile name
as a command line parameter. It is useful if you want to use some profile regardless of which one was used last.
There are several significant options available for ClickYes Pro 2010. You can change them using Options Dialog Box.

ClickYes Pro 2010 is designed to run as a background process. It places the icon to the taskbar notification area
(also known as system tray). When ClickYes Pro 2010 is minimized, you can use this icon to restore and display the main
window, call the options dialog or just exit ClickYes Pro 2010.

So, if you haven't make a decision yet or you are still unsure if ClickYes Pro 2010
meets your requirement Download Your Free Evaluation Copy of
ClickYes Pro 2010 and try it out.
If you see that it is exactly what you were looking for a long time Buy the
full version of ClickYes Pro 2010 and forget about those pesky Outlook warnings for good.
Known limitations
- Unfortunately, ClickYes Pro 2010 does not support 64-bit Outlook versions.
How to uninstall ClickYes Pro 2010
- To uninstall ClickYes Pro 2010, double-click the 'Programs and Features' Control Panel icon.
- Select ClickYes Pro 2010 in the list of installed programs and click the 'Uninstall' button. Follow the instructions.
Post your questions and comments
Please let us know what features you would like to see in the next program release. Your questions, comments,
suggestions and feature requests are greatly appreciated.